Uniform Pic

Our school uniform and uniform policy were launched in 2003 and it is expected that all students wear our school uniform or school colours. Wearing of school uniform supports students to feel a part of the Herdsmans Cove team.   It encourages respect, pride in our school and assists with student safety as students are clearly visible in the playground or on an excursion. Students who do not wear school uniform may not be invited to play outside at break times or attend school excursions.  Our school uniform also includes the wearing of our school hat which is worn in Term 1 until Easter and from Show Day in Term 4.  Students are not permitted to wear caps to school.

The school uniform is available for purchase from our Uniform Shop which is open on Tuesday and Wednesday only from 8.45 am – 9.15 am.  The shop sells new and some second-hand uniforms and is managed by the Office staff.  Uniform prices are subject to change, and are listed below:

Uniform Prices:

Polo Shirts 4- 14   $30.00
Med-Large  $35.00
Ruby Jumpers 4- 14 $60.00
S, M, L $65.00
Polar Fleece Jackets $35.00
Spray Jackets $30.00
Trackpants/Trousers 4-14/Tights $30.00
Shorts 4-14 $20.00
Summer Dress 4-14 $60.00
Hats   $10.00

Children are not permitted to colour their hair or wear jewellery or make up to school.  In relation to jewellery the only exception is that children with pierced ears may wear studs or sleepers only.  Large piercings with spikes etc. are not permitted.  Bracelets, bangles, rings and necklaces are not permitted for safety reasons.  Watches are allowed.


clock pic

School Times:  Prep - Grade 6

Lessons Begin     -        8.50 am

Recess                -        11.00 - 11.20 am

Lunch                 -        1.00 – 1.20 pm

Lessons Finish      -        2.40 pm

Children are expected to be at school by 8.50 am but not before 8.30 am as teacher supervision is not available prior to this time.  Unless children are involved in supervised sport, recreational or social activities, waiting for parents to pick them up or completing specific tasks after 2.40 pm, they are expected to leave for home immediately, when they are dismissed from school via their classroom doors.


This year we have one Kindergarten group.  Kinder times are as follows:

Monday:                    9:00 am – 12:45pm

Tuesday:                    9:00 am – 12.45 pm

Thursday:                  9:00 am – 12.45 pm

Friday:                       9:00 am – 12.45 pm


Assemblies are held weekly on a Friday at 9.00 am in the General Purpose Room.  Parents are encouraged to attend and see the work being undertaken in classes.

Our Celebration Assembly will be held in the last weeks of Term 4 at the Brighton Civic Centre


canteen pic

The school canteen operates on Thursday and Friday at recess and lunch for students in Prep – Grade 6.  Students complete their orders on a paper bag or envelope and place them in the lunch box in their classroom.  Other items may be purchased at recess.  Canteen order forms are available from the office or children’s classrooms.  The Canteen is co-ordinated by the school office, and has achieved silver accreditation with the Tasmanian Canteen Association, committed to providing healthy and nutritious meals to students.

Please Click here for the Canteen List


This is the provision of school books and equipment for those students whose parents face financial hardship and who are entitled to financial assistance.  This assistance is subject to a means test.  Applications for student assistance may be made through the office.  Parents who believe that they are entitled to this scheme are strongly advised to make an enquiry at the office, as the total number of families eligible for this scheme significantly influences our staffing and financial entitlement from the Education Department.


Our school provides the following student support services:

  • School Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Support Teacher

These people may be contacted via the office.