Our School - Herdsmans Cove Primary School is a small suburban school in the Northern suburbs of Hobart with picturesque views of Mt Wellington, the River Derwent, the Jordan River and Herdsmans Cove. Herdsmans Cove Primary is a K-6 co-educational school with 170 students.
Herdsmans Cove has a strong focus on community and is particularly well known for its successful and innovative programs that foster parent/community engagement including Launching into Learning, LIFT, Books 4 Breakfast, and the Mona 24 Carrot Garden Program.
Our Vision - A connected, inspired, innovative learning community: Achieving together.
Our Mission – To connect to, nurture and care for all, through developing supportive reciprocal relationships. Our aim is to engage our learning community to develop as active self-directed learners.
Our School Values - Quality, Respect, Community, Inclusion, Courage
Our School Motto - Believing and achieving together.