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- Principal's Message
- News from Kindergarten
- 4/5 Visit to Botanica on Tuesday
- School Lunch Project
- Health & Physical Education Update
- Lift Number Bags
- Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
- School Photo Day - 24 June
- 24 Carrot Garden Pop Up Cafe - June 2022
- Swan Park BBQ 13 June
- Charity Art Show - Rotary Club of Hobart
Dear Families,
Our school lunch program has been well received by participating students. The preparation and delivery of meals has run ever so smoothly. Well done to Mrs Riley and our Canteen staff for doing such a fantastic job in getting meals out to all classes. Having a hot, nutritious, and delicious lunch during this chilly weather has been such a bonus.
To all our wonderful parents/carers just a friendly reminder that Learning Conversations will be held on Monday 27 June to Thursday 30 June from 3:00 to 4:45 on these days. Teachers are looking forward to sharing examples of student work, discussing their progress, and sharing the Department of Education’s new reporting format with parents. Please contact the office to book a time to meet with your child’s teacher.
We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents in ensuring students wear our school uniform. Just lately we have noticed a few non uniform items creeping in particularly with this cold weather. We understand how difficult it can be to dry clothes in the cold weather, if your child’s uniform is in the wash please ensure your child is dressed in school colours.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
4/5 Visit to Botanica on Tuesday
Miss Lovell's 4/5 class attended a Botanical Institute workshop in Bridgewater on Tuesday.
Students took part in gardening sessions, cutting up plants for composting, a clay workshop and cooking sessions. Students then enjoyed a shared lunch of tacos and fillings that they had prepared.
A chilly but great day was had by all.
Last week marked the start of the School Lunch Project. Students across all grades enjoyed savoury slice and salad on Wednesday followed by spaghetti bolognaise and salad on Friday.
Lunches were prepared in the school canteen and distributed to classes. A special thank you to Mrs Riley, Ms Gregson, Ms Hudson and our wonderful canteen staff for helping to get the lunches ready for eating. Children were excited and happy to receive their meals looked to be enjoying the food provided. A special thank you also goes to Jen Lea, Project Officer with School Food Matters.
This week our Prep/1, 1/2 and 2/3 class will be eating lasagna and salad for lunch, while the kinder, 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6 students will be eaating cottage pie and salad.
Health & Physical Education Update
Last Thursday we held our annual school cross-country trials. We were very lucky with the weather holding out to be a balmy top of 12 degrees. It was amazing to see the dedication and effort from our students as participation was at an all time high. We had some wonderful results across our 400m course with grade threes having to run 3 laps, grade fours running 4 laps and grade five and sixes running 5 laps or 2000m. We would like to congratulate the following Houses on their results:
School Champion : Blue House 51 points
Runner Up: Green House 42 points
Third Place: Red House 37 points
We would also like to congratulate the following grade champions:
Grade 3: Lilly L and James P
Grade 4: Scarlett V and Jaxyn FS
Grade 5: Jaylah D and Kaidyn H
Grade 6: Maddison R and Tyler O
Well done athletes!
Mr Milne, Assistant Principal/HPE Teacher
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
Just a reminder to book in your parent/teacher conversations which are being held during the week of Monday 27 June to Thursday 30 June. Teachers are looking forward to sharing examples of student work, discussing their progress and sharing the Department of Education's new reporting format with parents.
Please contact the office to book a time to meet with your child's teacher.