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To our community,
Welcome to our Newsletter. I would first like to acknowledge the students who recently participated in the inter-primary school cross country held at Bayview Secondary College. Through the sleeting rain and wind, they represented themselves, our school and everything our wonderful community stands for. Well done team on your effort and achievement on the day.
Throughout this term we have experienced a significant change in weather moving from the beautiful colours and sunshine of Autumn into the darker, colder months of Winter. With this transition also comes a transition from our summer uniform into warmer clothes of navy-blue pants and navy-blue jumpers. The wearing of our colours is so important for our students to feel connected to their peers and the school community.
This term our amazing teachers have focused on having our students improve their writing. It has been a pleasure to see so many students taking pride in their work and showing off their achievements. Whether this be an amazing information text on countries close to Australia or an imitation of a children’s story such as The Little Red Hen.
It is full steam ahead into the last few weeks of term two. Students are busily working to show their full understanding and knowledge whilst our teachers are assessing their work for the evidence required to achieve at grade standard or above. This evidence will be used to support the writing of students’ mid-year reports which will be sent home on 25 June, with parent teacher meetings being held in the last week of this term.
Have a wonderful week and as always if you need to have a chat or would like to discuss how your child is travelling then make a time to come in and see us,
James Milne, Assistant Principal
Spreading Kindness - 5/6 Lovell
Spreading Kindness
“Helping someone when they are down.” Dustyn
“Smiling can spread happiness.” Sophie
“By being kind to others they will be kind back.” Scarlett
“If someone is down you pick them back up.” Brett
“Committing to friendship and family.” Evelyn
“Respect others.” Bailey
“Help others.” Emma

Sustainability Visit from Hydro Tasmania
On Monday 7 June Genie from Hydro Tasmania visited all classes at school to learn about sustainability and our environment.
Using a large magnetic water catchment image, the Prep-Year 2 students actively participated in constructing a community and learnt how essential water is to sustain life, our environment and how we live.
The Year3-6 students explored the different forms of energy, our weather patterns, the history of hydropower construction and how hydropower is generated in Tasmania. They had hands-on experiences with magnets and constructed a simple motor.
We look forward to Monday 21 June, when our Year 3-6 students will have another lesson with Hydro Tasmania.

Winter Craft - Children's University
After school on Monday a group of Children's University students got together to make some winter craft. Our students enjoyed making lots of winter themed items that will be displayed at Wellington Views Nursing Home in Old Beach during their Winterfest being held in July.

There will be another winter craft session being held on Monday 21 June after school until 3.30 p.m. Please remember to return your Children's University permission form.
Follow these steps to breathe better this winter.
Visit your doctor for an asthma review
Get a written Asthma Action Plan
Check your device technique
Research shows up to 90% of people use their inhalers incorrectly, which means not as much of the dose of medicine used is getting into the lungs where it’s needed. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to check your device technique and that you are taking your inhaler medication correctly.
Use of Your Preventer - use every day, even when well
Colds, flu and viruses – get the flu and COVID vaccinations
The flu and other viral infections are the most common trigger for asthma flare-ups (attacks). Colds and flu can be more serious for people with asthma, even if your asthma is mild or your symptoms are well-controlled by medication.
Good winter hygiene
Stopping the spread of flu is as easy as making sure you’re following three simple steps:
1 Cough or sneeze into your elbow
2 Wash your hands thoroughly
3 If you’re really unwell, stay home
Triggers Identifying and minimising exposure to confirmed triggers may help improve asthma control. Other than changes in temperature and colds and flu, winter triggers may also include dust mites, pollens and mould.
Indoor Air Quality: Some heating systems can be a trigger for people with asthma. Consider what triggers your asthma and how you can reduce your exposure:
Wood fire heaters produce high levels of smoke and particulate matter which can be a trigger for asthma. – Have your flue professionally checked and cleaned before winter. Burn only dry, unseasoned, untreated wood. Get a hot fire started, using plenty of paper and small kindling. Don’t overload your wood heater with too much wood. Never leave your fire to smoulder overnight, this starves the fire of oxygen, producing smoke and pollution.
For more information on how to breathe better with asthma this winter, call 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462) and speak with an Asthma Educator or visit PARTNER