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Welcome back to Term 3! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our staff and students for their hard work in our literacy block this year. Herdsmans Cove Primary School has been an early adopter of DECYP's structured phonics approach (UFLI), and we are thrilled with the growth we've seen—not only in student learning but also in our staff's ability to implement UFLI effectively.
An impressive 76% of students in Years 1 & 2 have made or exceeded the expected growth in the first half of the year. An additional 12% of students have achieved between 75-99% of the expected growth. We are continually adding skills to our toolkits and anticipate even better results by the end of the year.
New Soccer Goals
A big thank you to Mr Bennett for installing new soccer goals on our oval. Mr Bennett had to endure digging through rock and constant harassment from eager students in his quest to improve break-time soccer. His efforts are greatly appreciated by everyone at Herdsmans Cove Primary School.

Focus on Respect
This term, we are emphasising our school value of respect. Students will be learning about the importance of speaking respectfully in class. We will be using the prompt language "kind words or no words" and "if you swear, blue square." Students who are caught being kind and respectful will receive raffle tickets and be entered into a draw to win prizes. We appreciate your assistance in reinforcing the value of respect at home.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Warm regards,
Tobin McColl, Principal
Celebrating the 2024 Olympics at School
We are now in full swing of celebrating the 2024 Olympic Games being held in Paris. Miss Lovell and the SRC are running a competition for all students to enter. The idea is to draw your favourite Olympian / Para-Olympian or sport. The best drawings from each class will win a prize.
We have a display at the front of the school that includes a daily medal tally. 3/4 Dowling are making some Olympic style treats in their class and our Grade 5/6 students have an Olympic activity book to complete.
Canteen will be having a special for the next two weeks to celebrate the Olympics. Items will range from 50 cents to $1.00, as follows:
- Olympic Ring Iced Biscuits
- Lolly Olympic Torches
- Popcorn Olympic Torches
- Green/Gold Sprinkled Icecream Cones

Grade 3/4/5 have been working hard on their fractions knowledge. These photos were taken by Mrs McKenzie.

Our Assembly roster has been finalised for this term on Wednesday afternoons at 2.00 p.m. in the GP Room, as follows:
Hosting | Sharing | |
Week 3 | 1/2N | 3/4/5 |
Week 6 | 3/4/5 | 3/4 |
Week 9 | 3/4 | Prep |
Parents and families are invited to attend.
Pottery from Last Term's Mona Incursion
We were excited to receive back our fired pottery from our recent MONA incursion. Students were excited to see their very artistic finished products.

Last Tuesday students had a free dress fundraiser, dressing up as their favourite coloured jelly bean. Two jars were taken around the school and students were given the opportunity to guess the number of jelly beans contained in each jar. Congratulations to our winners:
Zyron from 3/4/5 with the winning guess of 480 in Jar 1.
Elijah from 1/2H with the winning guess of 440 in Jar 2.
The fundraiser raised $171.00 to go to the Type 1 Foundation.