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Reflections as We Near the End of Term 2
As we approach the end of Term 2, it is a time for reflection on what is working well and what areas need improvement. Unfortunately, we are spending a significant amount of time addressing conflicts when students aren't getting along. At Herdsmans Cove Primary School, we do not accept aggressive or threatening behaviour. As Principal, I must provide a safe working and learning environment for all students and staff.
Too often, students contribute to a hostile environment by leaving class without permission, spreading rumours, and making threats when they are angry. At Herdsmans Cove Primary School, if you have a problem, you must seek help from a staff member. We do not tolerate making threats or lying to manipulate others. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of students who uphold our school values and seek help when things aren't going quite right.
Celebrating Student Achievement
In other news, I am delighted to congratulate Dorian G. (Year 3) who has just won the Inter-School Chess Championship for the Northern Suburbs. Dorian went undefeated across seven rounds to be crowned Chess Champion. A truly momentous achievement for a budding Grandmaster Master!
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Warm regards,
Tobin McColl, Principal
Interschool Cross Country - Tuesday 18 June
Congratulations to Shayla, Alexis, Scarlett V. and Clover for representing Herdsmans Cove at the Interschool Cross Country held on Tuesday 18 June and to their parents for supporting them at the Carnival held at Simmons Plains.
We would like to congratulate Dorian who competed in the Interschool Chess Championship on 19 June at Austins Ferry Primary School.
Dorian came in first place after an undefeated tournament, winning all seven rounds to become the Northern Suburbs Primary Chess Champion.
Well done Dorian, we are so proud of you!
If anyone is interested in joining Dorian in playing chess at school, he would be happy to tutor children on how to play. Please let the office know if you're interested.
The Variety Creative Arts Program (the Program) provides small and intimate groups of children with an outlet to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through creative arts expression workshops.
The Program has been running on Tuesdays with Ms Emma Roberts, Art Therapist from Variety.
Swimming & Water Safety Program
Our Swimming and Water Safety Program starts next Monday 25 June and runs through to the last day of term for students in years 3, 4, 5 and some year 6 students.
The program is being held at the Oceana Swim Centre. Sessions times are as follows:
Group 1
5/6M & 3/4D - 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Group 2
5/6L & 3/4/5 - 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Notices were sent home last week, please ensure that completed forms are returned to the office by Friday.
Children will need to bring bathers, underwear, towel and a plastic bag for their wet items.
Please note that there will be no lunch orders for the last two weeks of term for students in years 3 to 6. Students may be able to purchase over counter sales from Canteen if they are back in time.