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Dear Families,
It has been so lovely to connect with you all over the past 2 weeks and hear about your adventures over the Easter holidays. ANZAC Day was commemorated during this break and I would like to thank Scarlett and Cooper for attending the Brighton service, supported by their families and Rachel Kitto. Scarlett and Cooper were outstanding in their representation of our school and laid a wreath at the service on behalf of our community.
Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, our school has been impacted by a number of instances of vandalism. This has resulted in changes to many of our regular programs and I would like to thank our students, families and staff for their understanding and flexibility during this time. We are so thankful for the support that we have received from this amazing school community and hope that we will be able to resume our regular programs and use all of our learning spaces soon.
We have a number of events and experiences planned for this term and I encourage families to regularly check our school Facebook page for upcoming events.
NAP Science Literacy
Herdsmans Cove Primary School has been selected to participate in a trial National Science Literacy assessment. Next week a randomly selected group of Year 6 students will participate in an online Science Literacy test. Families of students involved will be provided with further information later this week.
Cross Country
Our 3-6 Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 17 May. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours on the day. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information about this event.
Pancake Friday
We are pleased to be able to share with you that Pancake Friday will be continuing this term. As we are currently unable to hold assemblies, due to the repair works in the GP room, we will be running an additional Pancake Friday session this week in the LiL room. We look forward to sharing a delicious pancake and a story with you this Friday.
Emily Roberts | A/Principal
In Prep/1 we have enjoyed watching the new houses being built through our classroom window. So this term we have put on our hi-vis and hard hats to discover and learn about construction and materials. We have been working in the site office ordering supplies, learning how to use the hammers, saws, and drills to fix and build lots of creations. You could be looking at the future builders of Herdsmans Cove.
Theatre Royal Performance - 2/3 Levett & SRC Members
On Thursday 27 April Miss Levett's 2/3 class and our SRC student representatives attended a performance at the Theatre Royal - "The Carbon Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable Enviroteens".
This funny production was packed with laughs, science and battle jokes as three super heroes, a marsupial, a hybrid monotreme and a nervous sourdough baker got together to form the "Enviroteens" - a planet-defending, earth-loving, ever-determined, loveable pack, working hard together to save the world from an army of sinister, conniving, evil and polluting villains. But did they manage to save the whole world?
Thank you to Ms Gwen Harper, Waste Education Officer from the Brighton Council for sponsoring our school to attend this production. A great time was had by all.
Start Term 2 right by making every school day count!
Going to school every day gives your child every chance to learn and grow, and connect with their mates and teachers. It’s where bright futures start and where they’ll benefit the most.
When your child goes to school every day, it helps them to:
- learn better
- find interests
- make friends
- connect with teachers
- be happier
- have a brighter future.
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
To find out more, visit the Anything can happen website.
Our school lunch program started yesterday, with students receiving sweet and sour chicken with rice and an apple. Next week butter chicken with rice will be on the menu, with cottage pie and vegetable curry making a return during the last 4 weeks of term.
Herdsmans Cove Primary School are excited to announce and congratulate the following members of our Student Representative Council. Our representatives from Grades 5 and 6 include Declan, Shanna-Ray, Summer, Ellena, Mary-Anne, Scarlett, Zilah and Elle. Well done team!