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Dear Families,
And they are off and running! Over the past two weeks students have been improving their endurance, stamina and perseverance in preparation for Athletics Carnivals. On Wednesday we held our Primary Athletics Carnival and were impressed by the wonderful courage demonstrated by our students who tried their hardest to make it to the finish line. Students made all of us so proud with their wonderful behaviour, great sportsmanship and have a go attitude. It was great to have our families back with us attending the carnival and encouraging children to have a go! We thank Miss Prendergast for organising the carnival and the wonderful staff who supported the carnival. Our House Captains also stepped up to take on extra responsibilities during the event. What a team effort! Miss Prendergast will send out information to families shortly in relation to those students who have been selected to participate in the SPSSA carnival on the 28 March.
Speaking of perseverance and persistence, our Grade 3 and 5 students commenced NAPLAN testing this week and again we have been very impressed with the courage students have shown whilst undertaking the tests. Well done Grade 3 and 5 students!
Teachers are currently working on updating student Learning Plans. Learning Plan Conversations for students with Learning Plans will be held between Monday 27 March to Thursday 30 March from 3:00 to 4:30. Letters will be sent home shortly in relation to booking appointments with teachers.
I have had some enquiries about parents attending our Friday morning assemblies. Next term we will be inviting parents of award recipients to attend.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
In Miss Levett's class we have been creating artwork and profiles on what makes us who we are.

Our Grade 3-6 athletics carnival was held in sunshine yesterday morning.
Thanks to all our young athletes for trying their best and congratulations to our upcoming representatives at the SPSSA carnival being held on Tuesday 28 March. Our team will be announced next week. Carnival results as follows:
3rd Place - Green Team on 97 points
2nd Place - Red Team on 114 points
1st Place - Blue Team on 137 points
Thank you to Miss P for organising and running the carnival and to all the parents that turned up to support their children.
Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.
It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
As a school, students will be celebrating Harmony Week in their classrooms through a range of activities.
Sleep Article from Our School Nurse
Tips for Healthier Sleep in Children
Children need 9-11 hours’ sleep each night.
The better you child sleeps the easier they can learn.
- Have your child go to bed at the same time every night.
- Establish a consistent, positive bedtime routine (this can include brushing teeth, songs, bedtime stories).
- The bedroom should be sleep friendly– cool, dark, and quiet.
- Encourage your child to fall asleep independently.
- Your child should avoid bright light at bedtime and during the night.
- Have your child avoid big meals and vigorous exercise close to bedtime.
- Keep all electronics, including televisions, computers, and cell phones, out of the bedroom. Limit the use of electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
- Have your child keep a regular routine, including consistent getting up in the morning, mealtimes, and bedtime.
Georgina Macdonald, School Health Nurse
Our school lunch program is now in full swing and students look forward to their lunch service every Wednesday. Thank you to Sue and Donna for your hard work every Wednesday in making the program such a success.
Thank you to parents for sending back student permission forms to participate in the lunch program. Everyone in class is being offered to try a bit of lunch, excepting those with food allergies.
If you know that your child will not eat the lunch being provided please send along extra food for them on the day.
Thank you for supporting this program.