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Dear Families
The year is fast drawing to a close, with only 2 weeks of the school term left to go. The school is a hive of activity preparing for end of year celebrations.
Preparation for our Final Assembly and end of year celebrations are in full swing with classes excitedly practising their items for our special assembly.
Our whole school Presentation and Celebration Assembly will be held next Friday 16 December at the Civic Centre. Parents of Grade 6 students have been invited to attend along with the parents of those students who will be the recipients of class awards. Our Presentation and Celebration Assembly will commence at 11:00 am and conclude at 12:15 pm. Just a friendly reminder that all students are required to wear full school uniform for this special event.
Next Tuesday the whole school is looking forward to a wonderful Christmas Feast prepared by our fabulous Kitchen Specialist Mrs Riley and her amazing team of volunteers.
Our final event for the year will be our “Big Day Out” at Glenorchy Swimming Pool on Monday 19 December. Further information will be sent home with this week’s newsletter.
Reports and class placements will be sent home with students on Friday 16 December.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
For HASS this term, grade ¾ have been learning about the voyage of James Cook, here are some students with their lovely oil pastel pictures of his ship. We have also been learning about celebrations around the world. So far we have focussed on Diwalli in India and Children’s Day in Japan. In our writing lessons we have been focussing on creating a central character.
Covid Safe Behaviours Reminder
Continuing COVID-safe behaviours
COVID-safe behaviours reminder
COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses (like the flu) are still circulating in Tasmania. The official COVID-19 risk level has been raised to ‘Moderate’.
Together, we need to keep practising our COVID-safe behaviours to manage the risk.
Simple things we can do:
- do not come to school if unwell – stay home and test
- stay at home while you have symptoms, regardless of the result of a rapid antigen test (RAT)
- cover coughs and sneezes and wash your hands with soap and water, or alcohol-based sanitiser
- try to stay a reasonable distance away from others when you can
- consider wearing a face mask if you wish to – they are readily available for use at the school.
All students should ensure they have access to a quantity of RATs. If you need RATs, please ask for them at the school office so they are in your home ready for use if symptoms develop.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
For any COVID-19 enquiries, please contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID-19 Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
Grade 6 Celebration Day and Assembly
A more detailed letter has been sent home to our grade 6 leavers and their families this week. This is a brief outline of upcoming events:
Our final Presentation Assembly for the whole school is being held at the Brighton Civic Centre on Friday 16 December commencing at 11.00 a.m.
Please return the list of guests attending this assembly to the office as soon as possible if you haven't already done so.
On Tuesday 20 December, year 6 students will be participating in their "Leaver's Day Out" as part of their end of year celebrations. Students are not required to wear school uniform but are invited to wear smart casual attire on the day.
Students will be leaving school at 9.00 a.m. and heading to Cornelian Bay Park, then onto Bounce in Derwent Park for some fun filled action! AFter Bounce, students will make their way on the bus to Harbour Lights Cafe in Hobart for a shared lunch. Students will arrive back to school by the end of the school day.
A letter is going home this week providing information for our end of year Celebration Day to Glenorchy pool on Tuesday 19 December. Swimming permission forms are being sent home with students in Prep - Grade 2, our new students and some grade 6 students. Please complete the form at your earliest convenience. If your child does not return their form they will be unable to attend on the day.
We have welcomed Natalie back from maternity leave at the beginning of this term. For the past few weeks some students from our classes have been learning about "The Traditional Tasmanian Aboriginal Instrument" clapsticks, having a go at making some of their own. Billi from 3/4 with her clapsticks is pictured and loves making music up the hallways. Also pictured is Harmonie and Kade from 1/2 and Ani and Eli from Prep/1 painting their clapsticks.
Mrs Riley has been busily getting organised for our whole school Christmas lunch coming up on Tuesday 13 December. Lunches will be distributed to students in their classrooms. It is a lovely way for everyone to experience the joy of sharing a Christmas meal together.
Thank you Mrs Riley.
This Wednesday will be our last day for the school lunch project this year. The program will continue in 2023. A big thank you to everyone for making this special lunch program a success.
Thank you to everyone for supporting this year's Christmas Raffle. The raffle will be drawn at 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday 20 December so please make sure all sold books are returned by Monday afternoon at the latest.
1st Prize - Wheelbarrow filled with groceries
2nd Prize - Grocery hamper
3rd Prize - Chocolate hamper
The last day for canteen orders will be this Friday 9 December. The canteen is running low on some stock, so if your child has ordered something that is not on the menu a replacement meal will be provided.
Canteen will be open for special Christmas counter sales at recess on Thursday 15 December.
Term 1 – Wednesday 8 February to Wednesday 5 April
Term 2 – Wednesday 26 April to Friday 7 July
Term 3 – Tuesday 25 July to Friday 29 September
Term 4 – Monday 16 October to Thursday 21 December
Tuesday 7 February – Professional Learning Day
Thursday 6 April – Moderation Day
Monday 24 July – Professional Learning Day
Friday 27 October – Professional Learning Day
Monday 13 February – Royal Hobart Regatta Day
Monday 13 March – Eight Hour Day
Friday 7 April – Good Friday
Monday 10 April – Easter Monday
Tuesday 11 April – Easter Tuesday
Tuesday 25 April – Anzac Day
Monday 12 June – King’s Birthday
Thursday 26 October – Hobart Show Day