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Last week our school participated in the External Review process, and I would like to thank staff, students and parents for assisting with the review.
I am pleased to be able to share our proposed class structures for 2023. However, the model presented below is subject to change depending on enrolment trends between now and the commencement of 2023. At this stage staffing has not been confirmed for next year.
Kinder (1 class), Prep/1 (1 class), 1/2 (1 class), 2/3 (1 class), 4 (1 class), 5/6 (2 classes)
Teachers have started working on class placements for next year. Our goal is to come up with a placement for each child that will offer that child the greatest chance of success. Teachers give consideration to the following factors when placing students in a class:
- The child’s intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioural developmental levels and needs
- The child’s interactions with other students
- The “social dynamic” factors within the class
- The balance of leaders in each class
- Student friendships
We do our very best to accommodate parent requests. If you have any concerns in regard to your child/children’s placement for next year, please contact me be next Friday 2nd December.
Planning for our end of year celebrations is well underway and we are looking forward to the return of our whole school Presentation and Celebration Assembly which will be held on Friday 16th December at the Civic Centre. This is a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students and our school. Our assembly will commence at 11:00 and conclude at 12:15 pm. This whole school Presentation and Celebration Assembly will highlight the achievements of our Grade 6 students and nominated class award recipients. Parents of Grade 6 students will be invited to attend along with the parents of those students who will be the recipients of class awards.
Our Grade 6 students are also looking forward to their Celebration Day on 20th December and are trying really hard to stay on track until the end of the year by upholding our school values and demonstrating positive behaviour. This special event will be by invitation only and is expected that our Grade 6 students continue to uphold our values and demonstrate respectful behaviour including the wearing of school uniform (acceptable uniform includes - leavers top, school rugby-top/polo top and appropriate plain navy blue shorts, leggings or trousers and navy blue school hat). Please remind your child to keep trying really hard and remain focussed on finishing the year in a positive way.
In Prep/1 we are learning about our community and the people who work in our community.
We had a visit from a previous student at Herdsmans Cove who is now a hairdresser in our community. We learnt that Kerlinda attended Herdsmans Cove Primary, and she talked about the education path she took to become a hairdresser and what her job includes.
Thank you Kerlinda for coming to visit Prep/1, we hope you enjoyed your visit.
Sophie Levett
11 students from Herdsmans Cove have graduated at the Children’s University Graduation on Wednesday at the University of Tasmania. All students had a wonderful time receiving their awards, and gift from the Children’s University.
Afterwards they celebrated with a morning tea. Well done to our 2022 Graduates.
Selected students from Herdsmans Cove Primary participated in the Interschool swimming carnival last Tuesday at the Glenorchy Pool.
All students did a fantastic job and were well mannered and respectful while representing our school.
Well done to everyone for having a go and most of all having fun.
Congratulations to Stella, Kaidyn H and Harper who have been selected for the champions carnival on the 29th November.
Raffle ticket books have been sent home to families for the annual Herdsmans Cove Christmas raffle.
1st prize
Wheelbarrow filled with with groceries (including ham and Christmas cake)
2nd prize
Grocery Hamper (including Christmas pudding)
3rd prize
Chocolate Hamper
3 tickets for $2.00
Extra books are available at the office.