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- Principal's Message
- Prep/1 Update
- Splash Swimming Carnival Results
- Pumpkin Bridge STEM 5/6B
- School Food Matters - School Lunch Program
- Canteen Menu for Term 4
- Lil - Families Tasmania - Songs & Rhymes
- Pharmacist Afterhours Advice Line
- Working Together - Supporting Early Learning Program
- Free Swimming Lessons
- AYC - Net Set Go
- The Smith Family & Saver Plus
- Let's Count
Dear Families,
It is hard to believe we are already into the last term of our school year. We started the first week back with our Grade 3-6 Splash carnival at the Glenorchy Pool. Thank you to Miss Fasnacht and Mr Thornton for organising the event and to Swimming Tasmania for sending a representative to help with our swimmers in the pool on the day. The day was a huge success and the weather was perfect for swimming, with the most fun had at the waterslide after the carnival. Congratulations to Red team who were the overall winners on the day.
We would also like to thank Footsteps Dance for coming in yesterday to run some sessions with our students in the GP Room. Grade 3/4 proved they are the best dancers in the school.
Term 4 is shaping up to be a busy one with some of the following events planned:
3 November - Excursion to Richmond for 2/3 and 4/5
4 November - Pevan & Sarah Concert for Kinder, Prep/1 and 1/2
14 November - SPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival
16 November - MONA Festival (to be advised)
23 November - Children's University Graduation
29 November - Sustainability Centre for Kinder
16 December - End of Year School Assembly
19 December - School Fun Day at Glenorchy Pool
20 December - Grade 6 Big Day Out
Pre-kinder sessions start this Thursday at 2.00 pm in the kindergarten room. If you have a child born in 2018 please remember to enrol them for kindergarten next year. To arrange for an enrolment form to be sent home please call the office on 6263 7843.
Please remember that in term 4 all students must wear a hat when outside. Navy blue bucket or legionnaires hats are acceptable to be worn and can be purchased from the school office for $10.00.
Our school lunch program is back again this term with all classes receiving a free lunch on Wednesdays. Menu items this term include lasagna, mongolian chicken, a tasting plate and meatloaf with pasta salad. Parents are invited to attend a group discussusion on Wednesday next week from 2.00 p.m. Every parent that particiaptes will receive a $50 visa/mastercard voucher. Please call the school office if you would like to participate.
Canteen will operate on both Thursday and Friday for the rest of this term.
I would also like to welcome Mrs Anne Douglas who is spending some time at school over the next few weeks whilst Mrs Brown is away on leave.
Rachel Kitto, A/Principal
In Prep/1 we are learning about how to be sun safe, with the slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. Our students are focusing on, wearing a hat, putting on sunscreen, finding shade, wearing long tops if possible and staying hydrated.
The photos show us learning how to put sunscreen on ourselves so we don’t miss any spots and really rub it in - we don’t want any streaks.
Splash Swimming Carnival Results
Our Splash Swimming Carnival held on Wednesday 19 October at Glenorchy Pool was a huge success. Thank you to Miss Bridget Fasnacht for organising such a well-run event. The weather was perfect for swimming and everyone enjoyed the day - especially the waterslide fun at the end of the carnival. Congratulations to Red team who were the overall winners on the day, with extremely close results for second and third place.
Results as follows:
RED 135
BLUE 116
Congratulations to the following children that have been selected to swim in SPSSA Interschool Division G Swim Carnival on Tuesday 15 November:
Grade 3 - Stella, Billi, Cooper, Jett
Grade 4 - Kyeisha, Summer-Rose, Annalise, Blaze, Naite
Grade 5 - Harper, Heidi, Kaidyn and Kaidyn
Grade 6 - Emma, Triannah, Khynan, Marcus
Notices will go home to these students in the next few days.
Here are some photos taken at last week's carnival.
School Food Matters - School Lunch Program
This term all classes will be receiving their free lunch through the school lunch project on a Wednesday. Kinder children will have their lunch at around 12.00 p.m. prior to home time at 12.30 p.m.
As part of the School Lunch Project, children at our school are receiving free cooked lunches every week. To help better understand the benefits and challenges of providing cooked school lunches, researchers from the University of Tasmania are interested in hearing feedback from parents. You are invited to attend a group discussion at the school with other parents. The parent group discussion will be held at Herdsmans Cove Primary School on Wednesday 2 November from 2:00pm–2:50pm. Every parent who participates in a group discussion will receive a $50 Visa/Mastercard voucher. If you would like to participate in this group discussion, please RSVP to the school office by this Friday 28 October. We thank you in advance for your participation!
Working Together - Supporting Early Learning Program
Working Together - Free education and care in 2023
Would you like your child to have the opportunity to make friends, play, learn and build confidence?
Working Together:
- Is free
- Offers 2 – 3 days of early learning per week for children
- Is available to children in their year before Kindergarten
- Provides support to families to participate in the program
- Is delivered through Tasmanian Early Childhood Education and Care services (sometimes known as childcare centres) in the following locations:
- North West – Burnie, Ulverstone and Devonport
- North – Launceston
- South - Brighton, Southern Midlands (Bagdad), Glenorchy and Kingborough
How can I take part?
Registrations are now open for 2023, with limited places available.
Learn more about Working Together and the eligibility criteria for children’s access at or contact us on:
- Email:
- North West: 0436 922 145
- North: 0436 930 963
- South: 0436 922 146
Ms Hedge our Support Teacher would like to share the following information with our families regarding free swimming lessons.
Children from families who are on a health care card and are not already having swimming lessons and would be prepared to promote the Swim it Forward program are eligible.
Please click on the following link to find out more information.
About Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a free matched savings and financial education program that matches participants’ savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500, for education costs such as uniforms, books, excursions and camps, sports fees, laptops and more.
Already more than 5000 Tasmanian families have benefitted!
Participants set a savings goal for education costs, are supported to make regular deposits into a savings account over 10 months, and attend online financial skills workshops. At the end of the program their savings are matched, dollar for dollar, up to $500, to be used for education costs such as uniforms, books, excursions, sports fees and laptops.
Saver Plus was developed by Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ in 2003 and is delivered in Tasmania by The Smith Family. It is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and ANZ.
Is Saver Plus suitable for families at your school?
To be eligible to join Saver Plus, parents must:
be over 18 years old;
- have a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession card;
- be in receipt of an eligible Commonwealth social security benefit, allowance or payment;
- themselves or their partner have some regular income from work (including casual, part-time, full-time, informal/cash or seasonal employment), or from Child Support payments or Carer’s Allowance; and
- have a child enrolled at school (or enrolled to start school), or attend vocational education themselves.