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Dear Families
We really appreciate the effort that parents go to support us with following our School Uniform and Dress Code Policy, however since the return to school from Learning from Home we have noticed a decline in students wearing the appropriate school uniform which has prompted us to review our Uniform Policy. Our Uniform Policy has been in place since 2003 and it is expected that all students wear our school uniform or school colours – navy blue and orange. (Please note that black clothing items are not part of our uniform and are not acceptable). Wearing of school uniform supports students to feel a part of the Herdsmans Cove team. It encourages respect, pride in our school and assists with student safety as students are clearly visible in the playground or on an excursion.
The Herdsmans Cove Primary School Uniform consists of the following items available from the HCPS uniform shop:
School top with HCPS logo – short sleeved polo top (alternative: plain navy blue polo top, long or short sleeved t-shirt)
School jumper or jacket with HCPS logo – long sleeved rugby top or polar fleece (alternative: plain navy blue long sleeved polo fleece or jacket)
Navy blue pants – plain navy track pants – microfibre pants – no denim jeans
Navy blue 3/4 length school leggings
Navy blue shorts – no denim shorts
Herdsmans Cove Primary orange/blue/white checked dress
Shoes: fully enclosed shoes or sneakers. No boots as these pose a safety risk out in the playground and in PE.
Yr 6 Leavers Top - to be purchased separately
Alternatively navy blue uniform items such as polo tops, t-shirts, polar fleece jackets, trousers, and leggings can be purchased from Big W, K-Mart, Target or Best and Less for a minimal amount. Much cheaper than some of the brand name clothes students are wearing.
Students are not permitted to wear make-up or jewellery to school. In relation to jewellery, the only exception is that children with piercings may wear plain studs and sleepers only. Large piercings with spikes etc. are not permitted as they can pose a safety risk for students when playing, PE and participating in sports.
One trend that we have been noticing is students coming to school with acrylic nails. Acrylic nails not only pose a safety risk when out in the playground or when participating in PE or sports but are impacting on student participation in learning programs. For example students are unable to write properly or hold a pencil correctly.
We are also aware of a number of students coming to school with brightly coloured hair. Hair colouring is only acceptable if it is of a natural colour/blonde/brown/black or shades thereof. Bright colours are not permitted with the exception of the use of temporary colours for special events such as dress-up days. Parents whom have already coloured their children’s hair in bright colours will be kindly asked for this not to occur again.
If students are not following our school uniform or dress code policy they will receive a follow –up letter or phone call.
Please view our video which has been posted on Facebook.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Polar Fleece Jackets Size 4-14 | $35 Size S,M,L $40 |
Spray Jacket Size 6-14 | $30 |
Polo Shirts Size 4-14 | $30 Size S,M,L $35 |
Rugby Jumpers Size S-L | $60 Size S,M,L $65 |
Trackpants & Trousers Size 4-14 | $30 |
Girls Tights Size 4-2XL | $30 |
Shorts (Cargo & Lightweight) Size 4-14 | $20 |
Summer Dress Size 4-14 | $60 |
Skorts Size 6-10 | $25 |
Hats (Bucket, Slouch, Legionnaires) | $10 |
Scarves - limited supply only | $10 |
Beanies - limited supply only | $10 |
Swimming and Water Safety Program Update
Students from Years 3 to 5 have been fortunate to participate in the Swimming and Water Safety Program held at Oceana these past two weeks. The program enables students to develop skills such as general swimming and survival techniques and strategies, in addition to floating and rescue skills. The students have shown persistence and tremendous courage and should be very proud of themselves with the progress they have made.
Students from 4/5 Vandermey had these things to say about their experience with the program.
Ryan - "I like doing the torpedo and doing backflips underwater."
Ayesha - "I like going into the deep end and doing cannon balls. I have learnt to do Survival backstroke."
Blake - "Graham is a really nice teacher. At the beginning of Learn to Swim I couldn’t do anything but thanks to Graham he taught me to float, do torpedoes and even learn overarm."
Molly - "I have learnt how to do front stroke. I like the warm water and swimming with my friends."
Tyler "My favourite thing is that I have learned how to swim. I like the free time too but I wish it was longer."
Lilly - "It’s fun. I have learnt how to do backstroke and side stroke."
This term has been busy in 3/4 Meissner!! Our focus this term has been around 'Changes of State' and the differences in a solid, liquid and gas! We were lucky enough to do a few experiments in the kitchen too, which was heaps of fun!
We have incorporated the changes of state in our spelling words, interactive writing and our maths!
We have also been having a load of fun at the Oceana pool with the Learn to Swim program! Check out some of our new skills in action!
Term 3 – 21 July – 25 September Mondays in Term 3 – Grade 5/6 to JRLF School Farm Monday 17 August–Friday 28 August - Swimming and Water Safety Program for Grade 3-5 students Wednesday 2 September - Student Well-Being Survey for Grade 4-6 students Wednesday 9 September - 1/2 Balhatchet Excursion to Marine Discovery Centre Term 4 - Monday 12 October–Thursday 17 December Public Holiday – Thursday 22 October Student Free Day – Friday 23 October |