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Dear Families
What a busy and great few weeks we have had with so much happening to engage our children and celebrate learning in our school.
Recently we held our Book Fair. Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Hudson were there each morning for parents to visit and see the books that their children would love to own. Many students were very lucky and went home with one or more books. Your support has enabled us to purchase some new books for our Library. Thank you!
Since our last newsletter we hosted our Annual Book Week Parade and I must say I feel very proud, as each year we have more and more entries in our parade. Nearly all the students and staff in our school dressed up as a book character and many of them brought the book along for the parade.
Our judges, Ms Burn (Tracy), Mrs Saville (Janina) and Ms Gallagher (Jo) had the tricky task of choosing the winners. There were times when the judges had to add some special mention prizes as they just could not make a decision such was the quality of the entrants. Congratulations to the following students:
Kinder - Paige and Harry
Prep/1 - Shelby, Ava, Dayne and Danica
1/2 - Eric and Rubi
2/3 - Jorja, Kade F, Shayla and Malayah
3/4 - Zilah, Asha, Jack and James
4/5 - Summer, Ashton and Harper
5/6 - Kylah, Zavier, Xavia and Khynan
We were particularly impressed by the number of students who showed their creativity with homemade entries and the number of students who thought really hard about their book character and also brought along a book.
The standard of the teacher’s costumes this year was also extremely high with all teachers going the extra mile to create amazing costumes. However, Miss Lovell excelled again and won the staff prize. Mrs McKenzie has put the amazing photos of the event on the screen just inside the front door. Don’t forget to have a look!
Participation in the Swimming and Water Safety program has been fantastic this year, with feedback from pool staff and instructors commenting on the exemplary behaviour of our students. We thank our wonderful parents for your support with this as we know keeping up with dry towels at this time of the year can be tricky. Well done to our Grade 3 – 5 students on a great effort!
This week is Teacher Aide Appreciation Week where we thank and acknowledge the wonderful work of our Teacher Assistants. Our amazing Teacher Assistants support students with learning in the classroom, help students develop confidence in literacy and numeracy, assist teachers to empower students with a disability, notice students who need a little extra attention and encourage students to build positive relationships with others. To all our Teacher Assistants we extend a big thank you. We are so grateful for all that you do. You are our super heroes!
Our annual bookweek parade was again a success. So many different costumes were worn by students and staff. It was good to see the creativity and thought that was put into the costumes this year. Our judges had a very hard time trying to pick the overall winners of the day as everyone looked fantastic. Thankyou to our wonderful judges, it must've been difficult to decide our winners.
Here is a small handful of photos from our parade, there is plenty more to see on the screen at the front of the school.
Swimming and Water Safety Program
Our Grade 3-5 students have been working so hard at swimming over the last week and we started this week with a bang at Oceana where our students had to wear clothes in the pool. The DOE Swimming Water Safety Program is an integral part of our children’s education and we have been so pleased to see great attendance at these sessions. Our students have been learning how to float, retrieve things from the pool floor, signal for help when in trouble and learning how to push themselves through the water using specific strokes. We thank all parents for being organised with swimming this term and ensuring children are coming to school with their bathers and towel.
My fellow staff and I have loved seeing the development in the pool of our learners and hope they can feel safe in aquatic environments in the summer months. Check out some photos below of some fun at the pool.
We have loved welcoming back our families this term to Launch into Learning! Our little learners have been developing their gross motor skills at kinder gym and have been getting very creative in our play & learn sessions, where they have been making marks with paint and other craft mediums.
Last week, our learners celebrated Book Week at LiL. Sue and I were very impressed with the fantastic costumes and the energy that families brought last Thursday to our LiL space.
New families are always welcome at LiL, so please spread the word and invite them along. 9am-10.15am Monday and Thursday!
B Fasnacht, Lil Teacher
The 4/5 class this term have been working extremely hard in building their knowledge and skills across many different subject areas. The outstanding work lately has been in our Herdy Way lessons where we have refreshed our knowledge of the Zones of Regulation and have started looking at what is a fixed mindset compared to a growth mindset. Students have been problem solving through a variety of STEM challenges, cereal box book reports and writing to persuade. We have also been measuring and identifying angles and using morphographs. Here are a few photos to showcase the fantastic work that students have been producing.