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Dear Families
Just a friendly reminder that our Swimming and Water Safety program commences next Monday for students in Grades 3 – 5. Don’t forget to prepare for this over the weekend. Your child will need to bring along their bathers, a towel and a plastic bag. All students attending the Swimming and Water Safety program will also need to have a substantial morning tea and lunch to support them during such intensive physical activity. Participation times are as follows:
3/4 Clark/Prior and 3’s from 2/3 |
Bus Departs School 11:00– Returns to school at 1:15 |
4/5 Lovell and the 5’s from 5/6 |
Bus Departs School 12:00 – Returns to school at 2:15 |
Book Week activities are in full swing across the school. Book Week is all about celebrating books as well as authors and illustrators. It’s a fantastic week and it has been great to see our young learners getting excited about books and sparking their imaginations. Creativity and imagination will also be at the forefront of our annual Book Week Parade on Friday, as children and staff create amazing costumes. I wonder what book characters I will see at the parade!
It is expected that all students wear our school uniform or school colours – orange and navy blue. Wearing of school uniform supports students to feel a part of the Herdsmans Cove team. It encourages respect, pride in our school and assists with student safety as students are clearly visible in the playground or on an excursion. Recently non uniform items have been creeping in such as hoodies, brightly coloured tops and camouflage gear. We understand from time-to-time wet weather impacts on getting uniforms dry but not every day. Our lost property basket is over- flowing so if you child is missing a uniform item please come in and check. It’s very important to have all uniform items clearly named so we can help children to find their missing items.
The Herdsmans Cove Primary School uniform consists of the following items available from the HCPS uniform shop:
School top with HCPS logo – short sleeved polo top (alternative: plain navy blue polo top, long or short sleeved t-shirt)
- School jumper or jacket with HCPS logo – long sleeved rugy top or polar fleece ( alternative: plain navy blue long sleeved polo fleece or jacket)
- Navy blue pants – track pants – microfibre pants – no jeans
- Navy blue 3/4 length school leggings
- Navy blue shorts
- Herdsmans Cove Primary orange/blue/white checked dress
- Shoes: fully enclosed shoes or sneakers
- Yr 6 Leavers Top to be purchased separately
I have included our school's dress code as a reminder to families. Thank for your support.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Dress Code:
The following requirements apply in relation to:
- Jewellery: not permitted with the exception of wrist watches, studs or sleepers
Jewellery such as necklaces, anklets and braclets are valuable items that are not permitted
- Make-up or acrylic/fake nails: not permitted with the exception of special events or dress-up days e.g Book Week
(Fake nails are not permitted as they pose a safety risk during sports and play time)
- Hair colouring is only acceptable if it is of a natural colour/blonde/brown/black or shades there of. Bright colours are not permitted with the exception of the use of temporary colours for special events such as dress-up days
- Hats, beanies and hoodies are not permitted to be worn in the school building
- Caps are not permitted at school or to be worn in the building
- Non school jackets, coats, windcheaters, hoodies or puffer jackets are not permitted to be worn in the school building
- School Uniform items must be clearly marked with the student’s name
- Swimming caps are required to be worn when attending swimming and water safety programs
- Kindergarten students are required to wear school uniform or school colours (navy blue or orange)
Earth and Space Sciences
In 3/4 Clark Prior, we have been learning how night and day occurs on Earth. We completed an investigation of light using different sized balls and torches to represent the Sun, Earth and the Moon.
Our grade 5/6 recently visited the Mawson Replica Huts and TMAG. It was a beautiful day and the students learnt a lot, including the diet and living conditions of the early Polar Explorers, their adventures and why they were there. Did you know that the Mawson huts in Antarctica were only ever heated to 4 degrees Celsius to prevent condensation?
We had a fantastic visit yesterday from Young Tasmanian Scientists (YTS) as part of science week running from 13 August - 21 August. Students were engaged in a variety of scientific projects held in different parts of the school. Everyone enjoyed their visit - a big thank you to YTS for coming to our school.
Swimming and Water Safety Program will be running from 22 August to 2 September.
The program consists of 10 lessons over the two weeks for year groups 3, 4 and 5.
Students will need to bring the following items everyday for the program:
- Bathers and swimming cap
- A towel and plastic bag for wet clothes
- Any medication that maybe needed at the pool
Permission forms have been sent home and must be returned before students can participate.
For any questions or queries please contact the office.
Pre-Kinder will be starting this term on Thursday 8 September from 2.00 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. in the Kindergarten room. All children born in 2017 that are enrolling with Herdsmans Cove are invited to attend together with their parent/carer. Sessions will also be held on Thursday 8 and 15 September.
Next term sessions will commence on Thursday 27 October and run through to Thursday 17 November.
Thank you to families for supporting our Book Fair this week. Everyone is excited for tomorrow's book parade and we can't wait to see the amazing costumes.
Remember to dress your child in a costume of their favourite book character and to bring their favourite book to school for our book week parade. Unfortunately, due to covid safety requirements, parents will be unable to attend this year's parade.
This year's theme is "Dreaming with Eyes Open."