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- Principal's Message
- News from 2/3 Rizzolo
- Welcome to Mr Maguire & Miss Ruby Moore
- DoE Covid-19 Update
- Swimming & Water Safety Program
- Term 3 School Lunch Program Menu
- Canteen Menu Term 3
- Book Fair & Book Parade
- Children's University - Painting the Cow
- Uniform Shop
- Little Athletics Flyer
- Rubik's Cube Competition
Dear Families
I would like to welcome all students, parents and staff back to school for term 3.
We have had a very settled start to term 3 and our students are working really hard on some interesting units of work.
Mrs Balhatchet’ s 5/6 class are learning about Antarctica; Ms Lovell’s 4/5 class are refining their persuasive writing skills and learning about endangered animals; Mrs Clark and Miss Prior 3/4’s are completing a unit on Earth and Space Sciences - Night and Day and learning to write persuasive text; Miss Rizzolo’s 2/3 class are completing a unit on Australia and the world and are learning about them by mapping their special features; Miss Street’s 1/2’s are finding out about Mini Beasts and learning to write information reports; Miss Levett’s Preps are also learning about Mini Beasts and Kinder are finding out about planets and the Solar System and of course, all classes are working really hard on their literacy and numeracy skills.
We also have great things planned for across the school such as the Swimming and Water Safety Program (Grade 3 - 5), Grade 5/6 excursion to Mawson’s Hut and the Museum. Book Week activities and our Book Week Parade just to name a few.
Our annual Book Week Parade will be held on Friday 19 August, and I am looking forward to seeing the incredible costumes that students and staff create. Come dressed as a character from your favourite book – remember the important thing is imagination and creativity not an expensive costume. It’s amazing how far cereal boxes, tin foil and sticky tape will go in creating an amazing costume! This year's theme "Dreaming With Eyes Open." Unfortunately, due to limited space we will be unable to invite parents along this year, so that we can ensure covid safe practices are maintained.
Swimming and Water Safety commences on 22 August for students in Grades 3 – 5 for two weeks. I would like to see full participation in these sessions. Full daily attendance is required, as each child is assessed, and individual programs are developed to support Departmental requirements. The benefits of participation are many and with your support and encouragement, your child will develop swimming and water safety skills and have great fun during the program. Participation times are as follows:
3/4 Clark/Prior and 3’s from 2/3 |
Depart 11:15 – Return 1:15 |
4/5 Lovell and the 5’s from 5/6 |
Depart 12:15 – Return 2:15 |
We are so proud of Mr Milne who has won a Principal position at Franklin Primary School. We thank him for his contribution to our school and community. I would also like to extend a congratulations to Mrs Kitto who has been appointed Assistant Principal to the end of year.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
In 2/3, we have had a busy start to term 3. In Maths this term, we will begin our learning on multiplication. Before we start, we have been investigating arrays which helps us to visualise multiplication before we formally introduce it. Students have been challenged to find out the total number when asked to make an array with a number of rows and columns. Many found this tricky but did not give up!
We have also just begun a unit on Australia and the World. We will be learning about landmarks in Australia, as well as states and territories. We will then go on to focus on continents around the world. The students are already loving using Google Earth to investigate their world.
Welcome to Mr Maguire & Miss Ruby Moore
We would like to welcome Mr David Maguire to Herdsmans Cove Primary School. Mr Maguire is undertaking Health and Physical Education until the end of this year.
We would also like to welcome Miss Ruby Moore who has joined our school for this term working as our school Aboriginal Education Worker whilst Natalie is on maternity leave.
Welcome back to school for the start of Term 3!
The health and safety of students and staff has, and always will be, our top priority. Our Term 3 approach to manage COVID-19 is outlined in our COVID-safe schools operational plan. The Plan builds on everything we’ve learnt since the start of the pandemic.
The Department of Education (DoE) has worked closely with Public Health to ensure schools continue to be safe places for learners. Many COVID-safe measures that you are familiar with continue to be in place to limit the impact of COVID-19 in our schools.
With increased COVID-19 cases in our community leading into Term 3, our staff and visitors are strongly recommended to wear face masks when indoors, or if they are unable to physically distance. Wearing a face mask is not a requirement for students, however it is strongly recommended by Public Health indoors as well as when they cannot physically distance. Students will be supported to wear masks by their school when they choose to.
Face masks and rapid antigen tests continue to be readily available for students and staff at all Tasmanian Government schools.
It is common to see increased illness at this time of year, so it remains important that we all continue to practise our COVID safe behaviours, stay at home if unwell and get tested.
As always, when your child is well, the best place for them to be is at school learning with their friends and teachers.
We will need to continue to be flexible as some elements of our plan may change during the Term. We will continually monitor the situation, make changes as necessary and keep school communities informed.
For more information, see our website:
Swimming & Water Safety Program
Our swimming and water safety program will be starting on Monday 22 August at Oceana Swim Centre for our Grade 3 to 5 students.
Letters and consent forms will be sent home next week.
Our school will be celebrating Book Week by holding our book fair from Tuesday 16 August through to Thursday 18 August culminating with our book parade on Friday 19 August. Children will have time to prepare their wish list prior to book sales.
We encourage all students to dress in a costume of their favourite book character and remember to bring their favourite book to school on Friday 19 August. Unfortunately, due to covid safety requirements, parents will be unable to attend this year's parade.
This year's theme is "Dreaming with Eyes Open."
Children's University - Painting the Cow
Children's University students have been invited to stay back on Thursday 4 and 11 August with Miss Lovell to paint our resident school cow. There are only places for 10 students on each Thursday, so please return your form to the office as soon as possible. Thank you.
A new shipment of school polo tops has arrived. We have all sizes available.
Size 4-12 @ $30.00
Size 14 and over @ $35.00