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- Principal's Message
- News from 2/3 Rizzolo
- Covid Update
- Harmony Day 2022
- Fissure Sealant Program - Reminder
- Article from Emma, School Health Nurse
- P & F Easter Raffle
- End of Term 1 - Wednesday 13 April
- Million Paws Walk
- School Photo Day - Monday 23 May
- Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival
- Your Town Early Childhood Development Program
- Maritime Museum Of Tasmania School Holiday Program
- Saver Plus
- Back 2 School - Saver Plus
Dear Families,
We have greatly appreciated your support this term in helping us keep our community safe and well during these very different and challenging times. We understand how tricky this has been and we really thank you for keeping your unwell child at home.
Parents and carers have been fantastic in letting us know about positive covid cases. It is also important for parents to register their positive results with Public Health either over the 'phone on 1800 671 738 or through the website.
We are so proud of your efforts to engage children at home through supporting them with their learning packs when students have been unable to come to school due to Covid. I would also like to congratulate and thank, teachers and staff for their ongoing flexibility in modifying teaching and learning programs, often on a daily basis to accommodate changes in classroom attendance.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the parents and carers who took up the opportunity to participate in Learning Plan conversations last week. It was a fantastic opportunity for teachers and parents to work together to set goals for students. If you did not get the opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher do not hesitate to contact the school.
The last day of term for students will be next Wednesday 13 April, as Thursday 14 April is a Professional Learning Day. All teachers will be involved in moderating student work.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Easter.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
In 2/3 this term, we have been learning about Celebrations Around the World. We have learnt about Diwali Festival in India, Moon Festival in China as well as Chinese New Year. We made lanterns, have eaten different food from around the world and watched dragon dances performed in China. Last week we also celebrated Harmony Day and the students shared their ideas about the importance of this day.
“Harmony Day is about working together” - Shayla
“Harmony day is about being kind to people and it only matters what’s inside, looks don’t matter.” - Ruby
“I liked eating seaweed from Japan” - Scarlett
“Harmony Day is about celebrating different countries” - Cooper
“Harmony Day is about celebrating people that are not like us” - Caleb
“Harmony Day is a special day. You get to eat food from different countries.” - Alexis
“You celebrate with family and friends” - Jasper
On Monday 21 March Miss Lovell's 4/5 class had the pleasure of cooking with Chris to celebrate Harmony Day. There was pizza, damper, noodles and lots more. Everyone enjoyed their meal. Thanks to Chris and Miss Lovell from organising the special day.
Fissure Sealant Program - Reminder
Registration forms have been sent home to students in Kindergarten, Prep, Grades 1, 2 and 6. Please return your completed forms to the office as soon as possible.
Oral Health Services will be visiting Herdsmans Cove Primary School in the first week back of term 2 - Monday 2 May through to Friday 6 May.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Article from Emma, School Health Nurse
Breakfast, as the word suggests, literally means ‘breaking the fast’.
After going 10-12 hours overnight without food, children’s energy reserves are low and their bodies and most importantly their brains, need fuel.
Without breakfast children (also adults!) can get irritable, restless and tired.
Kids who eat breakfast are more likely to:
- have improved concentration and short term memory
- be more focused
- maintain a healthy weight
Apart from providing children with body and brain ‘fuel’, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre.
Sometimes there is just not time for your child to eat breakfast.
Breakfast ideas for ‘on the run’ could include:
- a wholegrain cereal bar and a small fruit juice
- a small tub of yogurt and a banana
- a bag of dry cereal mixed with trail mix
Your child can eat these on the run and still arrive at school fuelled up.
For more information go to:
Healthy Tasmania - Healthy Tasmania
Breakfast - Better Health Channel
Herdsmans Cove Primary School P & F Association have sent home raffle books to families for this year's Easter Raffle.
There will be various Easter prizes. Ticket cost is 3 for $1.00 and books need to be returned by close of business Tuesday.
The raffle will be drawn at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 13 April.
End of Term 1 - Wednesday 13 April
Wishing all students and their families a very happy Easter and Term 1 holiday break.
Our last day of term for students is Wednesday 13 April. We look forward to welcoming students back on the first day of term 2, Monday 2 May.
Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival
Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival 2022
We invite families & children to join us at this year’s Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival - a connective experience for everyone.
The festival is held 22-25 April on the stunning cultural landscape of lunawuni/Bruny Island.
The Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival is a powerful, inclusive and safe place for all people to come together, unplug, enhance well-being and connect to the land; honouring culture, knowledge and community through music, ceremony and play. The full range of offerings unites the Indigneous & non Indigenous community and creates a space where all are welcome, cultivating a connectedness between individuals and groups, with a strong focus on families.
We believe it’s important to honour our younger generations by creating a welcoming and inclusive space that leads young participants and their families through cultural and bush experiences and activities that allow children to learn, express themselves and create through play, collaboration and conversation. The festival offerings, in particular the Children’s Village, celebrates our individual abilities and expression, sharing them within a supportive environment and community.
The Nayri Niara good spirit Festival encourages safety and inclusivity through being a drug and alcohol free event, and including a discounted ticket for Aboriginal Community Members, Bruny Island Residents, Concession Holders & free entry for children under 15.
Click here for more information on tickets, offerings, programming and activities.
Website + Tickets:
Facebook: @nayriniaragoodspiritfestival
Instagram: @nayriniara