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- Principal's Message
- Prep/1 Class Update
- Ms Emma Eaton - Grade 5/6V Visit
- Hydro Tasmania Grant - Fresh Fruit Boxes
- Children's University Update
- Children's Day Tree Planting
- LIFT Numeracy Challenge - Early Years
- Book Fair
- Heal Country
- Healthy Drinking
- Book Week 2021 - Bridgewater Library
- Smith Family Saver Plus Program
Dear Families
This week has been all about people and things that inspire us and ignite our imaginations.
Our grade 5/6 V students were inspired by a visit to the school of a former student, Emma Eaton, who went onto University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science and is now a Neuroscientist. Emma talked about her learning journey, overcoming challenges, setting goals and how she stayed focused on her education. Her message was clear. We are not defined by our postcodes.
We also have been inspired by our athletes participating in the Olympic Games who showed us the importance of teamwork, determination, resilience, setting personal goals and always striving to improve.
I am inspired by our staff every day and their commitment to provide extra activities and experiences for students many of these undertaken after school hours, such as Futsal, Net Set Go, Children’s University and all the sports providers, clubs and players offered during HPE.
As Book Week approaches, we think about where books can take us and how reading books can inspire our imaginations. The theme of book week is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”. Books and reading spark the imagination. They encourage curiosity and visual thinking. This provides the child with a drive to keep learning and the creativity to try new things and problem solve. Imagination and the willingness to try new ways of doing things helps children develop critical thinking skills. Without imagination, people wouldn’t be able to come up with new inventions and new ideas that help advance society.
Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
Speaking of imagination and creativity, I am looking forward to seeing the incredible costumes students and staff create for our annual Book Week Parade next Friday. Come dressed as a character from your favourite book – remember the important thing is imagination and creativity not an expensive costume. It’s amazing how far cereal boxes, tin foil and sticky tape will go in creating an amazing costume!
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Ms Emma Eaton - Grade 5/6V Visit
We were very privileged to have Ms Emma Eaton an ex student of Herdsmans Cove visit our school to talk to Mr V's 5/6 class on Monday morning.
Emma attended our school over 25 years ago and has fond memories of her time here. Emma loved to read books and always felt safe coming to school. From a young age, Emma wanted to be a scientist, but she never really knew if that was a career she could even have. Emma followed her dream and has now got a doctorate in research science. She is working at the laboratory for Nyrstar and makes sure that emissions from the company are safe, undertaking lots of scientific testing.
The students had a series of questions prepared for Emma and were very engaged in the conversation. Mr Vandermey is focussing on biographies in English this term and thought it would be a great idea to interview a member of the community for some inspiration. Thank you so much for coming in Emma!
Hydro Tasmania Grant - Fresh Fruit Boxes
Herdsmans Cove Primary School would like to thank Hydro Tasmania for providing a grant to our local community centre to provide weekly fruit boxes for schools in our area. Our students love to eat their fruit.
Media visited our school and some of our children were seen last night on the news.
Thank you to Cheynee from Gagebrook Community Centre and Hydro Tasmania.
Some exciting things have been happening this term with our Children's University students.
So much fun was had recently at Bond Street, with children learning how to use a pottery wheel, stitching and trying a variety of yummy food.
For the past two Mondays a group of students have also been spending time in Ms Lovell's class with Harry undertaking art lessons. Students were thoroughly engaged in learning tips on how to draw native animals.
Book Week 2021 - Bridgewater Library
Bridgewater Library are inviting families to their annual Book Week celebration on Wednesday 25 August.
This year they will be conducting a Rock and Rhyme session followed by a craft session commencing at 10.00 a.m. at the Bridgewater Library (behind the Civic Centre).
Children (and adults) might like to dress up as their favourite character from a book.
If you are interested in attending please contact the Bridgewater Library on (03) 6165 5446 or via e-mail at