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- Principal's Message
- Kinder News
- NAIDOC Week Celebrations
- Wellington Views - Winterfest
- First Aid Training - St John's Ambulance
- Canteen Menu and Update
- Bridgewater/Gagebrook People's Choice Awards
- Breakfast Club
- Book Club
- Book Week
- Children's University 30 July & 3 August - Art with Harry
- Dental Week
- Head Lice Removal Service
- Ticket to Play
Dear Families
Welcome back to Term 3.
We had a settled start to the term despite having to navigate our way around a few challenges in relation to advice from Public Health which impacted on staff in the first week back. However, our Herdy team are super stars and through their support and flexibility, our school remained settled and calm.
We are so lucky here in Tasmania to be sheltered from what is happening in other states. However, it is a timely reminder that things could change at any time and that we need to continue to follow the Public Health guidelines to ensure the health and wellbeing of our community. Which include:
- maintaining physical distancing
- practising good hygiene and washing your hands
- getting tested if you have even the mildest of symptoms
- keep students at home if they are unwell
- downloading and using the Check In TAS app whenever required, including when you enter school sites – more information on the app can be found here:
Last week students participated in range of cultural art activities with the support of our Aboriginal Education Worker, Ms Natalie Vucica and our Early Years AST, Miss Georgie Field. Our students thoroughly enjoyed and were highly engaged in the wonderful experiences organised.
We also held a special NAIDOC assembly last Friday and are very proud of the students who received NAIDOC Awards. Congratulations to the following students, Kayleth, Jazhara, Jaylah D, Sophie, Jaylah T, Kaidyn, Chaise, Kyden, Jhett, Harmonie, Seth and Billi.
I would also like to congratulate and thank Brooke G, Jazhara BM, Shyne M, Ayesha P and Sophie C who did a fantastic job at hosting and presenting items at our NAIDOC assembly.
The beginning of Term 3 has been a very busy time in kinder. We have celebrated Naidoc Week with Nat our Aboriginal Education Worker and Ms Field where we made clapping sticks and contributed to the sea of hands display. The Kinders were curious about learning about Aboriginal culture, and we began using the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning by using our clapping sticks to learn language through music.
Our investigation grew as the kinders wondered about Aboriginal art. We explored making paint from crushing ochre and painting bark that we found in the playground. They were delighted after reading a dreamtime story “How the birds got their colours” and were excited when they spotted the colourful parrots that live in the trees outside.
Naidoc week around Australia was celebrated during the school holidays from 4-11 July.
Last week we had delayed celebrations at school with special sessions being run by our Aboriginal Education Worker, Mrs Natalie Vucica across the school, making clapping stick and rain makers. Mrs Vucica was so impressed with our students and how they applied themselves into learning about our indigenous culture and acknowledging Australia's heritage.
This year's NAIDOC theme is Heal Country! and calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration and destruction.
At the end of last term some of our classes and Children's University group made some beautiful art work to share with our local nursing home, Wellington Views. Here are some photos of the Winterfest display put up at the home.
The residents love the artwork as it brightens up their place!
First Aid Training - St John's Ambulance
On Monday we welcomed Ally from St John's Ambulance who ran first aid sessions to our classes. Children learnt basic first aid skills, how to recognise and give immediate aid and had fun bandaging each other.
Our year 5/6 students also got to learn basic CPR skills.
Thank you to Mrs Anning for organising this special day.
As a token of appreciation, some of our students made cupcakes and cards for our wonderful Canteen staff. Our helpers were so surprised and grateful.
The term 3 menu is provided below. Please notice some of our new items in red.