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Dear Families,
Yesterday we held a Pop-Up Winter Reading Session in the LiL playground after school to promote reading and a love of books, stories, and storytelling across our school. Fifteen families were entertained by our guest storyteller Tamas Oszvald. Tamas mesmerised us with a Hungarian Folktale.
As long as there have been people, there have been stories. From the stories told in paintings on the ancient caves, to the bedtime stories told to young children, stories make up our history and guide our future.
Some stories have lasted hundreds and even thousands of years and are still being told. Stories began with the oral tradition, meaning they were passed on by being heard and retold. Later, people began to write the stories down, but we still love to hear stories told out loud.
You probably have favourite stories of your own. Maybe they’re stories about your family that you heard from your grandparents. Maybe they’re books you’ve read over and over. What is your favourite story? Don’t be surprised if your child comes home tonight and asks you to tell a story!
Storytelling provides the opportunity to develop listening and communication skills, improve concentration and memory, bring experiences alive, create a sense of wonder and help sequence events. Stories can also provide information, widen vocabulary, and make important links between the spoken and written word, as well as fostering an interest in and enjoyment of books and reading. So don’t forget the power of a story and storytelling.
The term has flashed past before our eyes with just one week to go, but we will still have important things on our must do list and that includes sharing student progress and celebrating achievement at parent teacher interviews next week.
Please be on the lookout for your child’s report which will be sent home after school on Friday. It’s not too late to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher for a parent teacher interview. Just contact the school office to book an appointment time.
Kindergarten students went on an excursion to the Bridgewater Library to be part of ‘The National Simultaneous Story Time’ which was live streamed from space. We are excited to be exploring all things about space and have started our learning journey by borrowing a space rocket from LIL. Kindergarten students have discussed and collaborated as a class on what we need to create a space role play area. Their thoughts and ideas were documented in our planning journal. We explored constellations and made papier mache planets and spaceships during inquiry.
Some of our wonderings:
Why can’t you see stars during the day? Is the sun a star? How can we reach a star? Why did the moon turn red? What is a constellation?
In the last two weeks, the front of the school has had a facelift on one side of the garden. Students have shovelled, wheelbarrowed and raked woodchips in the garden area. Students have developed the attitude of persistence, as it was tiresome work and they had to keep working as a team to get the job finished. Some workers from Mona 24 Carrot Garden Program volunteered their time to help us do this job. In the next few weeks, more of the front garden will be transformed with another load of woodchips. Thank you to all the students who worked hard.
Free Dress Day
SRC students have organised a free dress day for the last day of term Friday 2nd of July.
The money raised will be donated to the St Vincent de Paul society to support them in helping the homeless with food, shelter and clothing.
Thank you for your support.