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- Principal's Message
- 1/2 R Class News
- Commonwealth Bank Visit - Tuesday 4 May
- Mother's Day Stall
- Cross Country - Thursday 6 May
- Pre-Kinder News
- Bricks 4 Kids - Lift Session
- School Photos - Monday 17 May
- After School Activities
- National Simultaneous Storytime
- Swimming and Water Safety Program - Grades 3 to 5
- Scholastic Reminder
- BMX Event - May 6 Gagebrook Skate Park
- Hippy Flyer
Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 2. We have a busy and exciting term ahead of us.
On Sunday 25 April, Australians across the country paused to remember all Australians and New Zealanders who have died in war and served our country. We remember this past history of war, and hope that in the future, all people will work together to resolve conflicts peacefully. The spirit of the ANZAC’s with the qualities of courage, perseverance and mateship continues to have meaning for our sense of national identity. In 1915, Australian and New Zealand men, some not a lot older than our Grade 6 boys, together with British, Indian and French soldiers were sent to fight in a part of Turkey known as the Gallipoli Peninsula. It was because of the way those Australians and New Zealanders fought, and the way they faced the hardships and dangers that confronted them, that the initials became a word… ANZAC which today is respected both in Australia and New Zealand. Their actions forged what has become known as the ANZAC spirit and that spirit has been the driving force behind all Australian servicemen and women ever since. In France, later on in World War 2, Korea, Malaysia, Borneo and Vietnam, all of which happened long before many of us were born. It is also present in the actions of our service people today as they undertake their duties.
We paused last Friday at our own special ANZAC assembly to remember the courage and sacrifice of our ANZACs and to acknowledge all current and former members of our defence forces – the brave men and women who represent our country on a daily basis.
We are very proud of Sophie, Ayesha, Shyne, Taleyah, Jayla J, Zavier, Khynan and Mollie-Rose who did a fantastic job at hosting and leading tributes at our ANZAC assembly.
This year the National Assessment Program - Literacy And Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing for Years 3 and 5 students will be held across a two week period, commencing Tuesday 11 May and concluding on Friday 21 May. NAPLAN is a set of tests undertaken by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 - across Australia.
The testing days focus on Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The aim of NAPLAN assessments is to highlight the educational developments that students make over the course of their time at both Primary and Secondary School.
NAPLAN demonstrates how individual student’s Numeracy and Literacy skills are progressing, against national standards for all Australian children. The results of this testing provides information which is used to improve student achievement.
Later in the year you will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report. This report will describe your child’s particular skills in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The report will also show how your child performed in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia. It is important to note that the individual student reports prepared by the classroom teacher, give a more comprehensive and accurate picture of what your child is able to do and where they are having difficulties.
Swimming and Water Safety Program
Our Swimming and Water Safety program commences on Monday 24 May for two weeks and concludes on Friday 4 June for students in Grades 3 – 5. The sessions will be conducted at Oceana Pool and full daily attendance is required, as each child is assessed and individual programs are developed to support Departmental requirements. The benefits of participation are many and with your support and encouragement, your child will develop swimming and water safety skills and have great fun during the program.
Notices for participation in all our swimming events for the year will be sent out today and it is important that these notices are returned as students will be unable to attend other swimming events such as our end of year excursion to New Norfolk Pool unless these forms are returned.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Grade 1/2R have made a fantastic start to Term 2. It is so lovely to have everyone together again! This term we will be exploring Science through our unit on Mixtures. We will be observing what happens when we mix different materials together, as well as the changes that occur from heating and freezing, and what better way to explore Mixtures than by popping on an apron and doing some cooking?
Last Friday, to acknowledge and commemorate ANZAC Day, our class made some delicious ANZAC biscuits. We observed how the ingredients looked in the mixing bowl as we added each ingredient and students came up with some fantastic describing words along the way – it was a very bumpy, sticky mixture once the oats and golden syrup were added! Here are some photos of the students enjoying their biscuits, as well as Ruby, Zak and Jorja proudly sharing their creations to remember our brave soldiers.
Commonwealth Bank Visit - Tuesday 4 May
Annette from the Commonwealth Bank will be paying us a visit on Tuesday 4 May in Kindergarten (from 8.45 a.m. onwards) and then in LiL from (9.30 a.m.).
Herdsmans Cove Primary School banking day is Monday. If you wish to sign your child up for a bank account or would like any information on the school banking program, please come along and talk to Annette on Tuesday.
Cross Country - Thursday 6 May
Hi everyone,
The annual school cross country event will be held on Thursday 6 May for students in prep through to grade 6.
Students are asked to wear appropriate house colours for running and suitable footwear on the day.
This year the cross country focusses on participation and enjoyment with students running for set periods of time, not distance. Classes will participate in the cross country during their normal P.E. lesson on Thursday.
We look forward to seeing happy faces running the course.
James Milne/Seb Wishart - P.E.
Our pre-kinder sessions will be starting in the fourth week of this term, on Thursday 13 May, in the kindergarten room from 2.00 p.m. - 2.40 p.m. and continue running every Thursday at this time.
If you have a child born in 2017 or know of another member in our community that has a child preparing for kindergarten next year, then please come along. We look forward to seeing you there.
Our school photo day is Monday 17 May. Last week we sent home individual and family envelopes to all school children.
Please remember to return your photo envolopes to the school office by Friday 14 May, whether ordering photos or not. On-line payments using credit/debit card are preferred using the individual shoot key on your child's envelope. If you must pay by cash, please ensure the correct amount is enclosed.
If your child attends after school activities, including Dance, Futsal or Children's University programs, it is important that they be collected from school by 3.30 p.m. THERE IS NO SUPERVISION AVAILABLE AT SCHOOL AFTER 3.30 P.M.
If you are unable to collect your child at the appropriate time then they will need to miss out on attending the session.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping all children safe.
National Simultaneous Storytime
The Bridgewater Library is excited to invite families to attend the National Simultaneous Storytime....FROM SPACE!
This year's chosen book "Give Me Some Space!" written by Philip Buntil will be read live - by NASA astronaut Shannon Walker - from the International Space Station!
There will be craft activities after the reading.
Where: Bridgewater Library
When: Wednesday, 19 May
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Please arrive by 10.50 a.m. so everyone can be seated and ready for an 11.00 a.m. start.
Swimming and Water Safety Program - Grades 3 to 5
Our School Swimming and Water Safety Program will commence for students in grades 3-5 on Monday 24 May and run through to Friday 4 June.
Letters containing important information about the program and consent forms are being sent home with students today. Please complete your forms and return to the school office at your earliest convenience.