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Dear Families,
Last week as I watched our wonderful students participate in our Primary Athletics Carnival, I felt very proud of those students who never gave up trying. It made me think about the importance of teaching children to have a positive attitude to life and to be optimistic about themselves. We all know from experience that what we believe about ourselves affects the way we act. Our children’s belief in their own ability to do things is of great influence on their motivation, perseverance and success. Self-belief and a ‘have a go attitude’ can motivate our children more than their actual skill level. If they truly believe that through effort they can succeed in their spelling or writing, they may be more likely to achieve it than other children who have better ability, but who don't believe they can achieve it. The more our children believe they can do, the more likely they are to transfer this into other areas of their life. They then believe they have the ability to attempt, persevere and succeed in a whole range of activities.
The carnival was a great success and the events were held amidst windy, blustery weather conditions. It was fantastic to see so many parents attending the carnival and encouraging children to participate. Congratulations to Mr Milne and Mr Wishart for planning and organising the carnival. The events ran like clockwork thanks to the hard work of Mr Milne, Mr Wishart, Marshals, Finishing Judges, Place Recorders, and supervising house teachers. We also thank JRLF Senior School Student Leaders and Mr Ash Fisher for lending a hand at our carnival.
The purpose of the carnival was to select students for the SPSSA Inter-School Athletics Carnival which will be held tomorrow. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to participate in Divison F Athletics Carnival:
Ruby, Brooke, Tarnie, Shyne, Blake, Ryan, Jayden, Bailey, Emma, Maddison, Shakayah, Kadeijah, Taleyah, Zavier, Riley, Kyra, Mekeisha, Amelia, Scarlett, Toby, Naite, Jaxyn, Joshua, Indy, Leilani, Harper, Isabella, Kaidyn, Braxton, Ethan and Kaidyn.
Primary Progress Reports will be sent home next Monday 15 March and parent/carers of students requiring Learning Plans will receive a slip with the report requesting parents/carers to contact the office to book an appointment to attend Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) meetings which will be held between Monday 22 - Thursday 25 March. At these meetings parents have the opportunity to set goals for their children.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Congratulations to Green team on winning this year's carnival on 270 points.
2nd Place - Blue team on 253 points, followed by
Red in third place on 217 points.
Well done to all competitors for doing their very best in challenging conditions.
Here is a selection of photos taken on the day.
Athletics Permissions to Office Tomorrow Morning
Thank you to parents that have returned their Athletics permission form to the office today.
Please remember to return permission slips to the office tomorrow if you have not already done so.
Ruby in Miss Rizzolo's class found an interesting tomato specimen in our garden.
She had fun dressing up her tomato, finding bits and pieces in the garden to make a little tomato character.