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Dear Families,
The year is fast drawing to a close with just over two weeks of the school term left. We are a hive of activity as the school prepares for the end of year celebrations and events.
Today the whole school sat down to a sumptuous Christmas dinner prepared and served by our wonderful Mrs Riley and her team of Grade 6 helpers, our up and coming chefs. Thank you Mrs Riley and our Grade 6 helpers!
Over the past few weeks teachers have been completing student assessments and writing reports. Reports will be sent home to parents on Monday 14 December along with class placements.
We are all looking forward to recognising and celebrating the achievements of our students at our Grade 6 Presentation Assembly next Thursday 10 December at the Civic Centre (4.00 pm - 6.00 pm), and at our Celebration Assemblies for ECE and Primary classes which will be held at school on Wednesday 16 December.
Again to comply with current health advice and physical distancing requirements only parents of recipients receiving an award will be invited to attend our Celebration assemblies. These assemblies will be held across the morning at school to present individual class awards for the most outstanding and most improved students. I will be contacting parents this week to invite them to attend and let them know if their child is a receiving an award.
Of course our Grade 6 students are approaching their last days at Herdsmans Cove Primary School, and they're all trying their best to remain settled at school. Keep up the good work until the very last day, we know you can do it!
Our final whole school event for the year will be an excursion to New Norfolk Swimming Pool on Thursday 17 December. A notice will be going home with students today, including a permission form that must be completed to enable your child to participate or they will not be able to attend on the day. A copy of the letter is provided within this newsletter.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
Kinders have been learning how to be sun smart and made some cool sunglasses.
During inquiry, we investigated how an octopus can fit through small holes.
A couple of weeks ago the Grade 1/2 class had a relief teacher. The class read a book called "The Stick Man Christmas" and then everyone made a stick man and described how he was feeling. Mary-Anne, Xavier and Amahli came to the office to show their beautiful artwork.
Herdsmans Cove Primary School
“Friends of Herdsmans Cove” P & F Association
Christmas Raffle
1st Prize - 4 Burner Barbecue with Hood
2nd Prize - Large Grocery Hamper
3rd Prize - Chocolate Hamper
Cost – 3 tickets for $2.00
Drawn – 9.30 a.m. – Tuesday 15 December, 2020
End of Year Excursion Letter - Hard Copy Sent Home Today
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Herdsmans Cove Primary School – End of Year Excursion - Celebration Day – 17 December, 2020
Our final excursion for the year for students in Prep – Grade 6 will be held at New Norfolk Swimming Pool on Thursday 17 December. Students will have the opportunity to participate in swimming and water play experiences. We will start off the day at school in the morning and celebrate in our classes finishing the day by heading to the pool for a fun swim session.
Things to know about the Big Day Out:
- Recess and Lunch will not be provided: students are asked to bring their own morning tea and packed lunch
- Students will need to wear their full school uniform on the day however, they will need to bring their bathers, towel and spare change of clothes (goggles are optional)
- We plan to leave Herdsmans Cove Primary School at 11:15 am on Thursday 17 December
- We will return at the end of the day, at a time of 2:30pm
- Students will be unable to purchase items from the canteen at the pool
What to bring:
- Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the day
- Towel
- Bathers
- Sunscreen
- Change of clothes if needed
- Toiletries if needed
- Drink bottle
- *Please make sure all items are clearly named
Permission Form:
Please complete the attached consent forms for your child to attend the New Norfolk Pool, including the medical information form. These forms must be returned to school as soon as possible to enable your child to attend. If the forms are not received your child will be unable to go to the pool on our last day.
Any medication required by students must be given to the class teacher. It should be clearly labelled and inside a plastic zip-lock bag.
Thank you, Carolyn Brown, Principal