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Dear Families,
I am pleased to be able to share our proposed draft class structures for 2020. Of course, it is very early and the model presented below is subject to change depending on enrolment trends between now and the commencement of 2020. At this stage staffing has not been confirmed for next year.
Our proposed class structures for 2020 are:
Kinder (1 class), Prep/1 (1 class), 1/2 (2 classes), 3/4 (2 classes) and 5/6 (2 classes)
Teachers have started working on class placements for next year. Our goal is to come up with a placement for each child that will offer that child the greatest chance of success. Teachers give consideration to the following factors when placing students in a class:
- The child’s intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioural developmental levels and needs
- The child’s interactions with other students
- The “social dynamic” factors within the class
- The male/female balance in each class
- The balance of leaders in each class
- Student friendships
We do our very best to accommodate parent requests and whilst we value your opinion and your request there is no guarantee that your child will be placed where you have requested.
If you have any concerns in regard to your child/children’s placement for next year please contact me before next Monday 9 November. Please note that we will be unable to accept any recommendations beyond this date.
Celebration Assembly Information
- Grade 6 Assembly
Our final Celebratory Assembly will look very different this year in order to comply with COVID health and safety requirements. There will a Presentation Assembly for Grade 6 students only on Thursday 10 December at the Brighton Civic Centre (Bridgewater) between 4:00 p.m and 6:00 p.m. which will be followed by a light supper. Teachers will attend and parents of Grade 6 students will receive an invitation to attend. Two (2) adults per family of Grade 6 students only will be able to attend the Presentation Assembly in order to maintain physical distancing requirements.
Class Award Presentation Assemblies
Again to comply with current health advice on Wednesday 14 December we will hold assemblies across the morning to present individual class awards for the most outstanding and most improved students. The parents of recipients receiving an award will be invited to attend.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Carolyn Brown, Principal
In HASS, Grade 1/2 have been learning about landscapes and what is in them. The goal has been to identify and describe the natural, constructed and managed features in our environment.
We have enjoyed the book “Our Island” written by the children of Gununa and written our own sentences about Tasmania using a noun, a verb and a location.
We have also been inspired by the work of Paul Klee and made some beautiful wax resist cityscapes full of constructed features such as houses, bridges and towers.
Each week, Chris our School Liaison Officer, takes selected Grade 6 students to participate in woodwork activities at Pete's Shed. This term the children are making timber chopping boards. Thank you to Pete and his team of workers that assist the boys in these tasks, you are very much appreciated!
Last week we had a very special and exciting delivery made to our early years playground. A big truck arrived with a brand new, brightly painted blue and orange cubby house, especially made for our school community.
Students from both Kindergarten and Prep sat outside their classroom and watched in awe as the crane hoisted the cubby house off the truck and settled it gently into place. Check out some of the photos that were taken on the day and some of the pictures drawn by our kinder students. It was lovely to see so many happy faces.
Cat in the Hat - Thank you Harry !
Harry has been doing some relief Teacher's Aide work at our school, when it was recently recognised by some of our students and senior staff, that he has a definite artistic flair.
Harry was approached to do a painting of none other than "Cat in the Hat" on our Library wall and he jumped at the chance. Thank you Harry, he looks amazing !!!
Click on the link below to watch a feature Lil video.
Dear Herdsmans Cove Primary parents/carers and students,
Join in some family fun and read at home for 1 hour with your child on Thursday, 12th November.
Australians all around the country are encouraged to pick up a book and share it with someone special in your life!
Children who read and enjoy their reading will be successful in their learning.
Did you know - For adults, reading reduces stress more than listening to music, going for a walk or having a cuppa!
#Australian Reading Hour
If you would like more support for your child’s reading in 2021, ask your teacher and sign up for The Smith Family’s Student2Student Buddy reading program and after school free tutoring Learning Club programs or contact Programs Coordinator Andrea Garland 0427 665 318 or andrea.garland@thesmithfamily to find out more!
Student Assistance Scheme for 2021
The Department of Education recently announced that we would be expanding the Student Assistance Scheme for 2021.
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Service Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Service Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Service Australia – Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card
Please note that if you are already receiving student assistance you do not need to complete a form.
For 2021 a new on-line form has been developed to assist with processing applications for new applicants.
The online form can be completed here . The form will be available for public use from the 10 November.
Once a validated form is completed the Department of Education will confirm the outcome of your application in writing, this process takes approximately 14 days.
We understand this online option may not be possible for all families, so if you require a hard copy form please contact your school or the Finance Assistance Unit on or 1800 827 077.