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Dear Families,
It was wonderful to be greeted with enthusiasm by our families and students last Monday morning. Students have settled back beautifully into class routines and we thank our teachers for all their hard work in preparing for students during the holidays. During the holiday period we celebrated “World Teachers Day” and last Friday in our Assembly we acknowledged the fantastic contribution and commitment of our staff to Education.
On Sunday 26 October the Tasmanian borders will be re-opening with Queensland, South Australia, ACT, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. As a result Public Health have asked us to reiterate our COVID safe practices in our school. Please note the following are still in place;
Keep you child at home as soon as they display ANY of the following symptoms
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Cough
- Sore/itchy throat or
- Shortness of breath
- Parents will be called to collect their child from school if any of these symptoms are noticed.
- If you child has COVID like symptoms e.g. a persistent cough, that is linked to another condition such as hay fever and therefore not COVID related, please provide a letter from you GP outlining this.
- Stop Drop and Go will continue with pickups and drop offs. Please refrain from gathering in groups outside classroom doors.
- If you have arranged to visit the school for a meeting, don’t forget to fill in the Visitor Health Screening form located at the school office.
- Social distancing of 1.5m continues
- Food from home is not to be shared at school. Please refrain from bringing birthday cupcakes to school until further notice.
Term 4 is renowned for be being very busy and this year is no different with many events on our calendar including the Grade 4 - 6 ‘s participating in a Resilience program and E-Safety presentations to support safe use of social media platforms, along with Orientation Day for Grade 6 students and Grade 6 Transition Programs. This year due to COVID restrictions our Celebration Assembly will only be for Grade 6’s.
Hats, hats hats! It’s that time of year again when all students are required to wear hats outside commencing next Monday. All students should have the appropriate sun safe, broad brimmed hat to wear when playing outside. If a hat happens to make its way home in your child’s bag, please return it to school the next day. Caps are not part of our school uniform; they are not permitted at school and are not appropriate head wear as they do not provide enough protection from the sun. Students who don’t have a hat will be asked to play in the undercover area.
Important Reminder for Families of our Grade 6 Students
Planning for end of year celebrations for students are well underway. However it is important that students continue to enact school values remain focused on their learning and continue to participate fully, with cooperation in all school programs and not think that they can just choose to participate in the final celebratory activities and rewards. The expectation is that students behave appropriately and act respectfully by following instructions and school rules including the wearing of the school uniform. A formal invitation will be given to those students who have earned the right to attend through demonstrating a positive attitude and appropriate behaviour.
Following the public holiday this Thursday, Friday 23 October will be a Student Free Day and Professional Learning Day for staff.
In 4/5 Vandermey we have been working on creating stop motion films as part of our English unit.
Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique where objects are moved in small increments between each photographed picture so that they will appear to move when the pictures are played back.
Students were first asked to create a storyboard of what their story will be about.
Next, students were required to choose how they wanted to create their characters. They could use everyday materials like fruit or toy animals, modelling clay, paper or themselves!
At the moment, students are working on capturing the pictures of their characters.
This is quite a lengthy process which takes patience and perseverance.
After taking pictures, the students will need to upload and edit their pictures into the software program, and also add any sound effects or voices into their film.
The students are having a blast learning about stop motion and we look forward to seeing and sharing their finished products.
Hello everyone,
In Teaching and Learning our staff have spent our holidays planning and organising the work our students will be completing in Term 4. We are having a big focus on Punctuation and Grammar across all areas of our school. We know this is an important area because there is a big difference between:
"Lets eat kids." or "Lets eat, kids."
The other big things happening this term are our end of year assessments of and for student learning. In our early years we have our second lot of KDC and PiPs assessments whilst in the middle years we have our PAT testing. If you have any questions about this or would like more information on what these tests do then feel free to contact me through the office.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our students as they have really committed to improving themselves through their focus and learning since returning to school.
Lets all have a brilliant Term,
Mr Milne
After School Cricket - Communities for Children
Cricket Tasmania have an after school cricket programs running through Term 4 within the Bridgewater areas.
Junior Blaster is for children aged 5-7 who are new to cricket. It is a skill based program designed to teach them how to bat, bowl and field through fun games and activities.
Master Blasters is for children aged 7-11 who have some previous cricket experience. This is a game based program, where each week participants take part in a modified game of T20 cricket, where they get to bat, bowl and field.
Both programs are paid programs and Ticket to Play vouchers are accepted. Unfortunately we don’t have any programs that are free of charge.
All equipment is supplied. With both programs, participants received a pack of cricket items as part of their registration.
For Junior Blaster they receive the following:
- Plastic Bat
- Personalised T-shirt
- Ball
- Hat
- Passport – contains activities for participants to do at home
For Master Blaster, they receive the following:
- Hat
- Passport
Below is a list of programs within the area:
Brighton District Cricket Club:
Junior Blaster Program:
Saturdays 9am -10am
14th November – 13th March (Break over school holiday period)
Cost: $100
Master Blaster Program:
Saturdays 9am -10.30am
14th November – 20th March (Break over school holiday period)
Cost: $100
To register for any of the above programs – if you head to and type in the club or school name, the program will appear.